Community Mediation Solicitors Berkhamsted, Amersham & Beaconsfield
Community mediation is a process used in resolving disputes within the local community. It is a service that is usually offered free of charge to members of the community who are unable to afford legal or mediation costs. Community mediation works particularly well, not only because of the techniques used, but also because the majority of the mediators are trained members of their own community, who reflect the community’s diversity with regard to age, race, gender and ethnicity. Breakthrough ADR is committed to promoting stronger and happier communities. Our experienced community mediators have worked extensively with members of their respective communities in various capacities, from providing free legal advice or mediation to volunteering as panel members of the Youth Offending Service. We work with communities, local councils and housing associations to help implement and maintain a free community mediation service for the benefit of those who live or work in the community. We also assist in mediating community disputes directly, where there is no community mediation scheme, at low cost. Our mediators can help resolve a wide range of community disputes involving:- Landlord/Tenant
- Noise
- Air pollution
- Trespassing
- Property boundaries
- High hedges
- Parking
- Shared spaces
- Debt
- Maintenance/repairs/building works
- Rubbish/bins
- Allegations of harassment
- Pets
- Boisterous children
- Unruly behaviours
- Overhanging trees